Monday, July 15, 2019

Water bottle holders!

So far, I've gotten really good feedback on my creations, but recently I made one that "takes the cake" as they say!!I have the coolest preteen nephews and I randomly tried a pattern that they watched me finish, and said that they could use one for Boy Scout camp! I was so thrilled, I love making things for them hand made, as they seem to appreciate and thoroughly enjoy it more than anyone else! So I got to work and even put their initials on the... WATER BOTTLE HOLDERS!

Yes sir, my newest creation is a water bottle holder! I have since make 10+ and an really getting them down to a science! The first ones had handles that were way too long, then I made smaller ones, but they were still too large for the size of person. I also started writing down exactly how many stitches for each one and have finally narrowed 2 different sizes, and I may end up with a third. This way I'll have a size for any recipient!

I'm pretty proud of my latest creations and the biggest reason is because everytime I give some one else one, I get 3 more orders, or 5!! ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿงถ

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