Monday, May 11, 2009

Last time teaching for Block B!!

So this week we did a grammar mini unit on similes, metaphors, and
onomatopoeia. This was actually pretty successful, we had different
activities that got the students up and moving around, as well as some
good individual assessment pieces. The end day we had the students come
up with similes and metaphors about their faces, and they drew the
metaphors of their face for the features. This ended up bring a great
activity for them, the faces didn't really look like them, and this is
what we wanted, the students thought it was hilarious how they turned
out! Overall it was a really good week, still practicing the time
thing, but it is getting better because we are having things to do
after wards that keeps us on time more so they are not late for the next
activity. I can't believe it is over, but am ready to student teach

Niki Lynn

Taught some of our Unit!!

This week has been quite an eye opening experience. We taught part of
out history unit. It was interesting what the students considered fun,
and what we thought they would enjoy. There was a powerpoint that we
had them look at to find information over one of the cultures we are
studying. I was worried it was something they had done enought that
they might not think it was very exciting. Instead, they really enjoyed
it because we let them get into groups and have their own laptops. They
did really well answering the questions and being able to maneuver the
project. They knew the rules for the laptops and obeyed the ones we
mentioned because we let them know ahead of time what we expected.

The main issue that I would like to work on is really watching the time
during the projects and maybe even have a timer to keep track of how
much time for each thing, whether it is a poster they are working on or
an online assignment.
I am really enjoying teaching our unit, but was not expecting so many
ideas to be of use and still need more. I am using all the resources
that I have been given, and am finding the internet to be my best

Niki Lynn

Reflection from actually teaching!!

This past week has been a real learning experience. I have been able to
teach the students by myself for the first time, and I loved it!! There
were so many different things that I had to figure out in the process
that no one could have prepared me for. For example, I took the
students outside the classroom into the halls to find verbs on posters
we made. This took a lot of rules and patience with the students
because we needed to stay quiet while being able to talk amongst
ourselves when help was needed. They ended up doing very well working
together and finding the clues for the next poster around the school.
The classroom activities we did seemed also to be a success because we
were able to talk about the verbs and what they were constantly. There
were many questions, but they were mostly just checking that the words
they picked from the newspapers were verbs, and they were usually
correct. One of the students even said they loved Thursdays because she
really liked our activity! That is so reassuring that all the work we
pout into doing fun activities, was really worth it because they
enjoyed it!

Overall I felt it was a success and am excited for next week when we get
to begin our unit lessons! I am thrilled that we get to teach quite a
bit, because that is not always the case. We actually get to teach
language arts lessons, an activity that the teacher does daily with the
students (Daily Language Review), helping the students fill out their
planner, and our social studies lessons from the unit! We will be
teaching half days in a few weeks! This is the best experience I could
have imagined!

Niki Lynn

Reflection on time in Elementary classroom

We are doing a language arts assignment next week. We have decided to take some advice and will be doing something like the amazing race. We will be
having the students go from different places in the school following
clues to get them to the next group of main/helping verbs. For the
first day we will be having them get into groups and acting out verbs.
Then we will introduce a worksheet for them to take home for homework
to have them continue thinking about what verbs are, to be real ready
to pick some out the next day. The second and third days when we are in
the classroom, we will be having the students cut out words from
newspapers to put on construction paper to show more main/helping verbs
that they pick out.

I am really excited about this because we will both be teaching on our
own each day, for the first time! I love being able to have the
students go around the school and getting them interested in our
I am real excited to be able to work with Lyssia as well because she has
great ideas and shares my love for exciting lesson plans!

Niki Lynn